This Week on the Homestead 5/3/2020 – 5/9/2020
This week on the Geek Homestead, we again don't have too much going on. But we do have a new cute addition to our household!
This week on the Geek Homestead, we again don't have too much going on. But we do have a new cute addition to our household!
This week we have pictures of many, many plants and animals: cactus flowers, tree flowers, birds, bunnies, and a sunset. We haven't done very much on the homestead this week, but it certainly has given back to us in the form of beautiful things.
This has been quite the busy week. In addition to Christmas, our two youngest children had birthdays this week. That makes for a lot of cake, cookies and presents.
We had a few storms come through this week. According to our rain gauge we had around .9 inches of rain this week. We even had some lighter rain which is good because it doesn’t all run off down our road.
The prior owners had a bird feeder and a platform for a quail block. This week I finally put food there to see if we could attract any birds.
Now that's it cooler in the mornings, I think the kids and I will go wander around outside before we start school. There are so many things to see. Our…
It's another super bloom year (2019) in Borrego Springs, California. You can read about our quick day trip to see the wildflowers in this blog post.
To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wildflower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour -From "Auguries…