New Additions to the Geek Homestead

When we lived near San Diego we ended up with 6 chickens. The first one escaped from a neighbor and ended up staying with us since that neighbor decided to stop keeping chickens. Later we bought two more chickens, then a friend gave us three.

Adding chickens to the homestead helps in many ways outside of eggs.

  • They eat garden and household scraps which helps make compost
  • Their bedding and manure are the only reason I had a working compost heap before
  • They help teach our children responsibility and caring for something other than themselves


This Week on the Homestead. 11/24/2019 – 11/30/2019

In the past I have done a weekly post called Wednesday in the Garden. It was more for myself to keep track of how the garden was doing. I hope that people enjoy the pictures that I put up along the way.

Now that we are on a much larger property I am expanding the concept. This will be about what we see and do on our property as a whole. These are going to be things that possibly don’t warrant a full post of their own.

This was our first Thanksgiving here in Arizona and this house. We are very thankful for what we have. This house is giant and our yard is beautiful. There are so many opportunities for us.

The morning after Thanksgiving we had quite the thunderstorm. There was even a tornado warning for a short period of time. Our rain gauge only showed around .6 inches of rain, but we also got a lot of small hail. These pictures and video where taken using a flashlight since it was still dark.
