I bought these disposable basting trays at the Dollar Store. I am going to use them to start my seeds. The lid should help keep water inside the pot, and function as a little seed starter greenhouse. I have always been bad at keeping seed starts wet, and I am hoping this will help me do better. 


This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. A_Boleyn

    Too wet is as bad as too dry, I think. My dad used to get damping off on a regular basis due to over watering I think.

    PS: I’ve used cardboard egg cartons to start my seeds. Covered with saran wrap to keep in the moisture. 🙂

      1. A_Boleyn

        Good lucky. I think the roaster idea is a great idea. Maybe the little ones could start their own trays in egg cartons for fun and plant the results if you have some seeds to spare.


        I got a lot of damping off and only 5 of my basil plants survived.

        I transferred them to larger pots outside and they really took off.


  2. publicpollen

    I hate buying wobbly overpriced seed trays. Good to see that there are more people out there that are of the same opinion. I use milk cartons, plastic bottles / cans. It works out well, are free and a simple form of recycling everyone can do.

  3. felicityglogan

    Good idea! Hope it works for you. I wonder — if the trays are aluminium, would any of it pass into the seedlings? If so, would it matter?

  4. Maridy

    Awesome idea. I’ll have to try that…when I am in a position to start seeds indoors again, that is.

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